Awk Samples

Count rows and compute sum for a column

grep "Summary" *.log|awk '{sum += $7} {count +=1} END {print count, sum}'

This counts each line containing the word "Summary" in all files ending in .log
Value in column 7 is summed.

Sample data:
Summary - Thread 145    20      16      4       16      4
Summary - Thread 148    20      15      5       15      5
Summary - Thread 147    20      15      5       15      5

* this is column 7

Conditional Sum

awk '$5 == 2 {{s += $8} {c += 1}} END {print 2, s/c }' timing.txt >> sum.txt

What this does:

* read file 'timing.txt'
* if 5th column has value 2:
- add value of column 8 to s
- add 1 to c (count occurrences)
* after last record read:
- print literal 2
- print average (sum/count)
* output: append to file 'sum.txt'